Ready to Serve

Everyone can help someone, we just have to make a choice and decide to do something.

Mig Lavenbein
Major Migdalia Lavenbein

I am incredibly excited about departing for Honduras tomorrow. Many people have expressed concern over my mission trip to Honduras. People have shared that it’s dangerous. I’ve been told it’s the murder capital of the world. Several have encouraged me to “think” about not going since I have children. Yet here I am the night before excited to go.

I believe that happiness stems from serving those in need and we never have to look far to lift those who have fallen on hard times. We have to get past the stereotype of thinking that those in need are people on welfare who are strung out on drugs and can’t manage their lives. Sure there are some that fall in this category too but the reality is that those in need are our very neighbors who are the working class. Perhaps they have lost their job. Maybe they are going through chemotherapy. They may have experienced the death of a spouse or a child. Whatever their circumstances they now find that they have to make some tough choices. Do they pay the mortgage and keep a roof over their heads but have no food and no heat? Do they pay their car insurance and have no way to get to their job? No way to get to chemotherapy? There are no easy answers.

Yet everyone can help someone we just have to make an intentional choice to do something. We have to stop sitting back hoping someone else will notice the problem and start being part of the solution. We have to stop sitting back judging and remember that everyone matters and that our purpose is to show grace and compassion. People everywhere, whether in our own backyard or far away like Honduras, need people like you and me to extend a helping hand. We all have it within in us to make a difference. What will you do to make a difference?

What Will Happen In Honduras?

I have no idea what will happen during my time in Honduras. I hear that there are some rather large bugs so you will probably hear me screaming all the way from Honduras. Just giving you a heads up. I’m leaving my hairspray and makeup behind which just seems wrong on so many levels but I’m trying to leave vanity behind in 2016!

What I do know is that we go with a heart of service and compassion. I know is that my time will be filled with opportunities to serve others. I also realize that serving those in need does something to us. I won’t come back the same person. I will experience things that will not only challenge me but will also change and grow me. I’m excited for the adventure God has waiting for me.

3 thoughts on “Ready to Serve”

  1. My husband and I are the corps officers st Rockford Temple and you can be assured of our prayers for the Honduras team. We have two soldiers going. They are father son Doctors. We are so proud ag Gabe and Francisco Carrion and cannot wait to hear the stories of God at work in the team’s lives and in the lives of those served! Thank you for responding to God by joining this team! God bless!!


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